There are many ways to drive Traffic to you site. Some free and some paid. So what are The Best ways to drive Traffic to your sites? Here are top 10 ways which Will bring Traffic to Your sites right now in this article and every of them is very Efficient!
Way 1: Press Releases There are many sites where you can submit your Press Releases, just typle "press release" you can get a huge list, some free and some paid, Paid ones work great than free one, but the free ones work well also! Go and check their guidlines and submite your releases now! Press Release can be an incredible tool if you know how and use it right. Way 2: Viral Marketing Unstoppable method which will automatically self-repeating itself over and over again bringing you traffic for years to come! Go now creat your own viral product it can be a free ebook, free report, game, funny video, audio, joke, cartoon, optical illusion, screensaver, wallpaper, etc etc... whatever you can come up with, and encouraged people to pass it on to their friends. Way 3: Article Writing and Submission Another very successful one in getting traffic to your site or product you are promoting. So what do you do? You sit down and write a useful piece of content at least 400 words long and distribute it into article directories. You just have to make sure you distribute your information into as many place as possible so the people can find you more easily. Way 4: Joint Ventures Joint Venture simply means that you find partners and offer them a deal for promoting your product. Of course they should be in somehow related to your market/product. Cooperation Online is very important and can bring you lots of traffic fast. You both will get profit you wouldn't have other way. You see it all the time in the Internet Marketing arena.
Way 5: Directories Submission This one can be very successful if you do it right, but you have to manually submit to High ranking SE friendly directories which do not require link back! The best option probably would be to hire a freelancer to do it for you, but then you will have to give them the List where to submit.
Way 6: Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking is creating a list of your favorite sites on a public "bookmarking" site, and "tag" them with keywords. And you can also share your bookmarks with other people's bookmarks. There are many bookmarking sites it will take quite a time to bookmark and manage your accounts, you may check OnlyWire which is a free service that allows you to manage multiple social bookmarking sites! Way 7: Social Networking Social Networking sites are basically massive online communities of interest where people "mingle" in cyberspace and look for people sharing the same interests, hobbies, views etc, Where to go to get thousands friends and it pays to become Highly Popular! Way 8: Pay Per Click There are only 3 of the most useful Pay Per Click Services on the Net: Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and MSN. What is your product and Who your target market is. For some products it can be Adwords, for some Yahoo will work better! Unfortunately with PPC you can also Lose Lots of money Very Fast when you don't know What you are doing. Way 9: Newsletter/Ezine Advertising You just have to find ezines catering to Your target market and present them your offer in a proper way. Can be so called "Solo Ad" where Yours is the Only offer being send, however from my experience any decent size ad works well if you present it to the right audience in the newsletter whose recommendation they trust! Way 10: Industry Specific Directories You can find some industry specific directories where you can submit for free, but they won't bring you so much targeted traffic like those paid ones. But, if you get the time submit to them anyway. Links from them are still considered very Valuable by Search Engines for your ranking.
Top 10 Ways to Increase Your Traffic by moonswamp
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