

Useful BitTorrent Resources

Major BitTorrent Sites
BitTorrent sites come and go often. In the past I had attempted to keep a set of links in this section, but this requires constant maintenance. Therefore, I will simply point you to the three main BT link sites out there: (or use the direct link without popup)
Section31's Torrent Links
BitTorrentSites (or use the direct link without popup)
LickMyTaint (select BitTorrent in the left-hand frame)
Most every BitTorrent site out there is bound to be listed on one or more of the above sites, so if you're looking for interesting things try those links. If you're looking for a particular thing and want to search for it, you can try one of the following: NovaSearch,, and But be aware that things offered with BitTorrent tend to be short-lived and so take all search results with a grain of salt. Any listing that's older than a few weeks is likely to be useless.
Another good source for torrents are the various Forums, such as:, Digital Update, (completely unrelated to the old,,, and probably many others.
Finally, there are a number of web sites that offering 100% legitimate BitTorrent files: BitTorrent Files for Slashdot Effect Victims, TradeFriendly torrents at, Colorado Tapers community site, Phishhook, Musicfreaks
More BitTorrent Help
Official BitTorrent site - Author Bram Cohen's site
FileSoup's FAQ - Quite comprehensive guide, a bit site-specific
Smiler's BitTorrent links - Many relevant sites
BitTorrentFAQ Wiki - A Wiki for BT information
BitTorrent FAQ - a html version of the (brief) FAQ at
Evil Timmy's BitTorrent FAQ - General BitTorrent information, as well as help opening some of the common file formats out there.
The (somewhat outdated) official protocol specification.
Unofficial extensions/additions to the protocol: multitracker (backup tracker) spec, super-seed mode explained, web-seeding.
Mailing Lists
There are a handful of BitTorrent-related mailing lists maintained on Yahoo Groups. There are surely many more BitTorrent related YahooGroups than what I've listed below, so you may want to search for "torrent" or "bittorrent" at the site and see what's out there. To join these lists, either click on the link and use the web interface, or send an email message to where group is the name of the group. Please ensure that your post is on-topic and sent to the correct list.
BitTorrentTalk - A general list for anything related to BitTorrent, such as finding sites or help with converting/viewing/burning downloaded files, etc.
torrent-talk - General discussion area for users of BitTorrent software. Post here if you are looking for links, specific files, reseed requests, help opening/converting a file, etc.
Bittorrentfiles - For exchanging links to files, etc.
BitTorrent - This list is strictly for development of the BitTorrent software. Post bug reports and questions on the BitTorrent protocol, etc. Do NOT ask about where to find files or how to open them, convert movies, play multimedia, etc. Note: I have assembled an archive of all posts to this Yahoo-group in mbox fomat, click here to download it. This file is approx 1.4MB in size (compressed with bzip2) and contains approx. 3300 emails. The messages are in standard mbox format which can be imported by most all email applications, and the Yahoo-groups advertisements and other clutter has been removed. Use this archive if you wish to search or browse the messages offline. (This archive made with the yahoo2mbox tool and some perl scripts to clean up the Subject lines.)
BitTorrent_help - Post requests for technical support for using the BitTorrent software.
btports - A group for the technical discussion of the development of BitTorrent clients in other languages or platforms.
Newsgroups - A mail-to-news gateway of the Yahoogroups BitTorrent mailing list, provided by
alt.bittorrent - Availability of this group may be limited, I believe it was recently created.
#bittorrent on - NOT for discussion of where to get files, only tech support and related questions. on
#bt on EFnet
#tvtorrents on EFnet
#bittorrent on IRCnet
#bittorrent-games on
#scifi-torrent on

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