

Animator vs. Animation II

Animator vs. Animation II
by *alanbecker

Artist's Comments

The animator, looking for a challenge, decides to make the stick figure harder to beat. Little does he know exactly how much power he is giving to the little guy. Long live The Chosen One!

This took me five months.

It recently ranked in the top 25 of the Ohio Governor's Show!

Animator vs. Animation II by *alanbecker on deviantART

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Animation: PKB contest entry

Animation: PKB contest entry
by *neon-drane

Artist's Comments

yea, i hate blue too red.....lolanyway Here's my entry for this contest i'm entering on another site :3...yea, its not goods as i want it to be since i just found out about it today and had to rush on this small bit (MOUSE IS GAYness X's 10!!!!!...) this crap took me all day..and the physics/movement sucks to me...oh, well better luck next time .....Anyway ENJOY :3!!!!

Animation: PKB contest entry by *neon-drane on deviantART

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